Pain Expertise

Dr. Taylor’s pain expertise has developed over his career since graduating from his Masters of Physical Therapy program in November of 1981. Here are several keystones along the way:

  • Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium ( Pain and Opioid Addiction Task Force Member and Workgroup Participant 2017 – 2021.
    The IHPC represents the integrative healthcare professions at the national level collecting evidence, informing caucuses, supporting legislative efforts for reform, and generating interprofessional collaboration on pain and addiction polices and funding.
  • Lead pain representative for the International Association of Yoga Therapists Aug of 2017- 2021.
  • Editorial board member of the PubMed indexed International Journal of Yoga Therapy. Also peer reviewer for the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and others.
  • Author: Taylor, MJ, “Yoga Therapy as a Creative Response to Pain.” London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018.
  • 2006 California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA Ph. D. emphasis in Individual and Organizational Transformational Learning & Change Dissertation: Biopsychosocial Group Care for Chronic Back Pain
  • Paid consultant for the Yoga Alliance on safety standards and scope of service policies.
  • Numerous national and international conference presentations and publications listed in his CV.

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